Friday, November 2, 2007

30 weeks 4 days and counting

I haven't felt well with a headache and nausea the past day. Come to find out it's the ugly monster pre eclampsia. We are now walking a tight rope.

Dr. Tabor ran multiple tests this morning after he came to see me and my liver enzymes were high. He called me in my room about an hour later and told me we would most likely be delivering the babies today, pending the results of a few more tests. This was REALLY rough to hear. He re-ran my blood work 3 hours later and called to tell me that the levels stayed the same so they are closely monitoring me and taking it 12 hours at a time. So we have at least until tomorrow morning.

This is crazy. I can't even begin to tell ya'll the roller coaster that we've been on. I've been pretty doped up all day because of the medicine they're giving me for the headache/nausea. It makes things a little harder to process, as you can imagine.

Please pray that there are no changes for the worse. I'm just not ready to give them up yet. We made it through today, and will be facing the same thing tomorrow. I just want a few more days...


Carole said...

oh stef! this must be so stressful! we are praying.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Stef I remember that waiting and worrying and what I still think of as the headache from HELL! Mine were 30w5d and they have all done WONDERFUL so if they come now it will be OK. Please call me anytime if you want to talk.

Emily said...

Reid & I are praying for you & those babies!! Love, emily