I need some new websites to look at. Badly. I've sunk to new lows in the last week and need some direction. Anyone out there have any help for me? I consistently stalk triplet websites, my e-mails (just in case), and a few friends' myspace pages/blogs. However, I have in the last week actually browsed the following:
- Websites showing before and after tummy tucks. Not too bad, actually. I'm keeping my options open as well as planning for the future...
- Weather in Mexico. Boy am I dreaming.
- Spa services and prices. Yeah right, like I can leave the house to actually do anything. What are the chances I could get them to come to me? Or actually afford it?
- Ways to remove callouses from my heals. Really a pedicure would cure this, right?
- Wrinkle creams.
- Raised toilet seats at WalMart and Walgreens. It's getting much worse.
- Protein content of every food under the sun. I had to up my protein intake to get weight on these little guys. I am beginning to hate protein and may become a vegetarian when this is all over and done with.
- Oriental rugs. Just curious.
- C-section videos on you-tube. YUCK!!! This is not what I signed up for.
- Postage stamp options. Just wanted to see if they had any cool ones.
- Jobs. Just wondering what might be out there? REALLY missing working.
- Mini vans. No way am I doing this. I don't care how convenient it is, I will get more of a workout getting them into a SUV. I wanted to be fair, though, and prove that I was not totally close-minded. This book is closed now.
- And yes...the Brittany Spears saga. Now that 's just pitiful.
Does anyone have any sites they would like to share? I need some direction. Either that or I am going to have to become a major Internet shopper and Brian would not like that.
Thanks to my friends at work for coming to visit me last night. Mary, Heather, Kris, and Theresa came to keep me company and watch Grey's Anatomy. It was great to see you all and catch up on what's been happening at OCH. Thanks for making the long trek, I really appreciate it!
I'm sure you're registered with babycenter. Do they send you the updates every week? They have tons of baby articles on there. And when you're totally over reading about the babies, you can read the bachelor recaps blog - very funny! Do you watch The Bachelor? You should, but even if you don't it's still funny to read her blog. You can find the link on my blog under the section Blogs I Read. Good luck!
here is a few lol
my myspace lol http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user&Mytoken=gzasuy,bdchguhcxwotx
http://www.zillow.com/ it is cool u can see the value of the homes in ur area i know but it is cool
http://www.cafepress.com/buy/triplets/-/go_0 cute stuff to buy
email me anytime if u have questions
i am with MCMOMS
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